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Laser Technology

We are pleased to offer laser technology to our patients. The use of both surgical laser and therapeutic laser are two ways we strive to provide exceptional healing and pain management to our patients. 

Surgical Laser employs precisely focused energy to cut through tissue. This way of doing surgery seals blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics.

Why do we recommend laser surgery?  It decreases blood loss, lessens swelling at the surgery site and decreases nerve reactivity, resulting in better pain management post-operatively and a better recovery from surgery. 

It is just one of the tools we have to ensure the best possible outcome for your pet after surgery.

Therapeutic Laser Treatment (TLT) is a way to deliver energy to damaged and inflamed cells as a way to lessen swelling and provide pain relief. We believe every one of our surgical patients benefit from a complimentary TLT after surgery to encourage healing. Therapeutic laser treatments are also used to help increase mobility and ease pain and can be used in conditions of chronic tissue inflammation and discomfort such as arthritis. This drug free method can be used as a sole treatment or a a multi-modal approach along with a balanced drug therapy program. Please contact us to discover if TLT would benefit your pet.