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Spring Brings the Skunks Out!!!

By March 13, 2013 February 14th, 2018 Product Promotions, Seasonal information blogs

  Well spring is right around the corner and with it comes warmer days, melting snow and unfortunately we see a bit more wildlife on the prowl.  Here in the Ottawa Valley we have an abundance of wildlife.  While it is always heartwarming to see the critters venturing out, and in the spring in particular with their young following, there are a few hazards that we must be aware of.

Having experienced to the unmistakable perfume that accompanies some of our wildlife lately it has reminded me to make sure to have some ‘Skunk Off’ on hand at home.  There are certainly many tried and true remedies for the removal of ‘skunk’ smell, I have personally found one product that works great especially if the area hit by the skunk spray is treated immediately.  While ‘Skunk Off’ is great to use directly on pets (caution around eyes of course) I have also used it on my vehicle…..yes, sad to say, that after hitting a skunk on the road one night I could hardly stand the smell of my vehicle so I found that dousing the affected tire and front bumper the odor was totally gone!

Exercise caution when allowing dogs outside especially after dark.  Even in urban centers the little black & white critters can come calling!  It is also a good time to ensure that your pet’s Rabies vaccination (and other vaccines too) are up to date. Some people have used bells on their dogs collars as a means of alerting wildlife that the dog is coming.  As for my own dogs if they detect something outside they tend to bolt out the door barking madly – at the risk of waking the neighbors sometimes even letting them bark at the door for a minute before letting them out may be a bit of a warning to wildlife that the dog is coming.

In the event that your pet was to get a direct hit to the face with skunk spray their eyes may be burning so if possible rinse the eyes with water and you could even use some Natural Tears in them (available in drug stores).  If you feel they have had some damage to their eyes it is advisable to have them seen by a veterinarian.



Get out and enjoy the beautiful spring weather.  Just be weary of the emerging wildlife – they are enjoying the warmer temperatures too!!!